As I have traveled though some of the states of this nation, I have seen (as I have been myself) the homeless in many forms. In NE Wisconsin, were I have spent the most of my life, there are shelters that offer not only a warm place to sleep, but many other resources as well. Simple things like laundry for clean clothes, soap & shampoo, are taken for granted. Not so in the Denver shelters. Not even toilet paper is available in the bathrooms. I have seen individuals asking for something as simple as toilet paper. The people (and I stress, they are people) can be seen in the downtown district everywhere. The numbers are staggering. Many are chronic, and wore down to the point that working themselves out of it without external assistance is beyond rational comprehension. Many are not drug addicts, or alcoholics, but individuals who cannot secure enough income to secure housing in a market where the term “The Rent is too Damn High” definitely applies. It’s all about the profit margin for the property owners. Remember making a living isn’t enough, getting rich isn’t enough, but making extreme profits by any and all methods the goal. A goal they is not only costing this
country and our society in the extreme, but which some say will cost the country and our society our freedom and the nation itself. At some point, the people will rise up. The results may leave much to be desired for those who are profiting from the current environment.
Drastic Needs
The Shelter where I have stayed for the last two nights is doing the best they can. No towels, TP (Toilet Paper), or even personal hygiene items are available. It is one of the safer shelters, and yet personal items are stolen while people are sleeping on a regular basis. It is a paid shelter, that is the men staying there are expected to work and pay a modest rent. A rent that is only slightly less than what I was paying for my efficiency room in Appleton Wisconsin. The funds collected are barely enough to keep the operation going. The “free” shelters” (I spent 5 hours in one, and got my cell phone stolen) are a haven for criminals and those looking to take what they can get from those who have next to nothing. What is needed at these shelters are basic toiletry items (TP, soap,shampoo, etc), towels, blankets, and spare clothes. I am sure any donations to the basic operations (IE, electric, rent, etc.) would be of great use as well as tax deductable.
A volunteer Security Force (attn Law Enforcement program students and faculty) would be helpful as well.
Back Pack Journalism, Embedded
For most journalists looking at a story from an observers point of view, many facts of can be misleading. There is a saying we veterans have of “if you haven’t been there, you don’t have a clue”. The same can be said to this issue. One can not even fathom the feeling one gets, or the trials of day to day life, when homeless. Especially in the a large city like Denver. As I am sure some soldiers who do modern targeting these days can attest, It can be hard to type while shivering. I will try to remain embedded for a time, but one can only last so long while living the life while reporting, editing, and producing video.
For me, I am running out of the small amount of resources I have. Any help that is offered to me, will be greatly appreciated. So .. PLEASE!, Donate here.,,, It takes a lot of time and effort as well as wear and tear on expensive video and computer equipment to deliver youindependent news and video. The time I can offer, but the costs of providing corporate influence free isn’t free, or easy … free news takes money, to pay for the gear, bandwidth, and gas we use to do these reports. I try to provide more rich and higher quality content than the big money, corporate media. If you value this, please contribute to US Confidential and Wisconsin Confidential by making a donation . Please, Donate here.
More to come … much, much more.