Every advancement in a modern developed society begins as an experiment.
It will often face tooth and nail opposition from those unwilling to learn, be educated or understand the science, and social reality. For the rest of us, we move on.
Play faster … FASTER!
Now that it is generally accepted here in Colorado that the use of Cannabis does not cause humans to turn into murderous, ravenous zombies with a relentless craving for 32nd notes, those in the business of caring have noticed a few other interesting statistics. One of those statistics is that in most metropolitan areas such as the greater Denver area, , and throughout the state as a whole, violent crimes a re down. Way down. But how, or even does does it, correlate
to the legal status on Cannabis, or Marijuana, in the State of Colorado.
It would be hard to prove that these numbers are related in any scientific way, but many of the folks I know in these parts would attribute it to the fact that
I don’t mean to make that much of a joke of it.
The Science
Among those who study such things .. there may be a consensus to disagree. With little hard science out, especially studies that bring the relationship of Legal Cannabis and crime, one can can still look at simple numbers of each in comparison with previous years.
According to Joseph Chisarick, of the Guardian Liberty Voice, “Compared to the January-April period from 2013, 2014 has seen an overall reduction in both violent and property crimes since legalizing marijuana. Read more at http://guardianlv.com/2014/05/colorado-marijuana-sales-up-crime-down/. As Matt Ferner put it in his article for the Huffington Post, “Denver is home to the vast majority of the state's operational recreational marijuana dispensaries, which have generated tremendous sales revenue since sales began on New Year's Day -- $14 million in just the first month of sales alone. The city's crime data echoes similar data from a recent report in the peer-reviewed publication PLOS ONE, which found that the legalizing of medical marijuana causes no increase in crime, and may even reduce some violent crime, including homicide”.
Personal Experiences
Most of my experience so far has been in the greater Metropolitan Denver Area. Other than one incident that could directly be attributed to a truly dangerous and illicit substance, I haven’t witnessed any truly hostile behavior in any normal situations. As I travel throughout the state, it will be interesting to take note of any variations in local policy as well as general attitudes. The laws from county to county can very greatly here in Colorado. I have noticed a general easy going attitude among the people where ever I have gone in my time here in Denver. Unlike many of the places I have been, a sense of contentment.
A sense, of relief that the society we live in is catching up to the people who live in it.