Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Occupy the Roads, a Background of Social and Economic Justice

Top of Oc the rds For years now the group Occupy the Roads has toured the United States (4 times) educating1959561_571493412947321_1601673286_n[4] Americans about the social and economic injustices which oppress people or destroy Larrys at night  Compressed small resources of the earth for profit.  With over 170 cities visited, the group is known to encounter the same issues where ever they go.  The problems that oppress the 99% are common throughout the entire Nation. 
Their mission is to educate
Americans, through the use of their 31 ft RV, now a billboard for Occupy Movement, WikiLeaks and Bradley/Chelsey  Manning.
The group travels the US to talk and educate about the social and economic injustices which oppress people or Oc reds page capturedestroy resources of the earth for profit and help to make change for the betterment of society.
With their media specialist on leave, I have been invited to fill in, and cover their progress as they establish a new base of operations in Pueblo, Colorado.  I will do so here, on their webpage, and
try to establish a blog page for continuous updates to that, twitter, and of course their Occupy the Roads Facebook page.
Look forward to more on Occupy the Roads more here.